Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Have a Ball…

We know that the faceted crystal ball is particularly adept at bringing us massive amounts of good luck.  Any day one is freshly hung and reinforced with good intentions, you begin to receive good energy not only in your life but new opportunities begin to appear that you never knew existed.  If you already have a crystal in use and find things just aren’t popping for you, it may be time to remove, clean, and recharge your crystals.  A gentle washing plus a day in the sun, or a night with the moon, or 24 hours resting submerged in sea salt should have you back in action. Everything needs recharging every now and then. These are three excellent ways to start the ball rolling again.

Next time, useful cures from crystal placement.  Until then,


Monday, July 18, 2011

Fu Dogs or Temple Lions, that is the question.

Names are plentiful for this popular feng shui symbol.  Which ever one you choose to use, it will not be wrong. Contemporary beliefs seemingly push the use of Fu Dogs, probably because of the resemblance to the small dog with a lion like mane. Ancient beliefs generally favor the use of the Guardian  Lion or Temple Lion. I am happy with Fu Dogs and that is what I call the pair at my front door.

Generally, Fu Dogs find their existence to be dated to the early Chinese period of (206 BC) throughout the Han Dynasty then gradually disappearing until the time of the Tang Dynasty in (618—900 AD). During these early days, a “Dog of Happiness” or Celestial Lion Dog could be found guarding the entrances of the Buddhist temples or the homes of affluent Chinese families. The relative expense of creating a pair of these symbols of protection prohibited their use by the masses of the time. Today however, they are readily available and have gained huge popularity allowing even owners of small homes to have their entrances guarded.

The Celestial Lion Dog name probably gained favor due to the combined mixed appearance of both a lion and a Chinese favorite, the dog breed known as the shitz zu. Even though lions are not native to China, art containing their image surfaced after lions were imported as gifts to the emperor. The Lion Dog, believed to be a companion of Budda, was also believed to possess the ability to chase away evil spirits as they stood guard over his temples and over tombs.

Fu Dogs are always used together in pairs in order to maintain balance in the environment. Proper placement is vital because if they are misrepresented, you stand the chance of inviting bad luck rather than their powerful protection. As you stand inside your home or business looking out, place the female outside the entrance to your right; place the male outside to your left.

The male has his foot placed on a sphere, some say it is a ball, some say it represents the world.  Neither is wrong. Its placement, however, on the sphere, symbolizes the Fu Dogs authority and power over evil spirits. The female cuddles a cub as she exhibits strong maternal instincts.  It is her job to protect the interior of the home or building while the male guards the structure itself. The male stands taller than the female and he represents yang energy with his mouth open, she possesses yin energy with her mouth closed. Together, with their tilted heads, they imply that they are keeping a sharp eye out for evil spirits while denying them entry into your home or business. If danger threatens, you can count upon this pair of protectors to ward it away by using their menacing looks and displaying the impression of powerful aggression.

May your good fortune be plentiful.  Peace.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

For the Birds

A few mornings back, while having my morning coffee on the patio, I couldn’t help smiling to the trill of the songbirds that have returned for the summer. It was like music to my ears. Did you know that in feng shui, birds are a symbol of wealth and harmony?  They are considered powerful symbols of all the new opportunities available to you.

Have you ever held a handful of those round white seeds that are often mixed with crunchy sunflower seeds? You can find them available in most home stores. When they are flung upwards, to  fall back to the earth, you’ve not only called our fine-feathered friends to dinner, it’s as if you’ve called a shower of blessings from above to your home and to yourself. As the seeds bring the birds to your home, the birds call good luck chi to your home in much the same way. To share abundance is to call abundance. It’s a good thing to remember when you put a feeder out for our bird friends.

Do you need good chi or auspicious luck in a matter? The placement of a feeder outside or an art display inside your home can be advantageous simply by placing the item in the proper baqua area.  Let’s say you are searching for a job, a feeder on the northern side of your home is most beneficial. Using a beautiful picture of birds, whether it is of peacocks or the illustrious phoenix, placing it along the northern wall on the inside your home can help accomplish the same thing. This is the career area, as you recall, and to stimulate the chi here is quite useful. You have invited fine-feathered luck to visit you. The next phone call you receive just may be the new job opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

The wealth corner, resting in the upper back left, can be inspired to call forth financial abundance by the placement of art objects representative of birds. A lovely music box decorated with birds and playing beautiful musical notes is doubly favorable. Another pleasing picture? That’s fine as well, just be sure to choose an item that will fill you with the same happiness that you are searching for.

Colors in shades of yellow, white, silver, pinks, oranges or magenta, displayed in your bird art, encourages chi to pass through. It will bring auspicious luck with it as it draws good favor from these auspicious colors.

Remember, when you use good feng shui in the placement of your birds, it becomes a most positive way to feather your nest!

Good luck should come flying your way.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How'd You Sleep Last Night?

Some nights are better than others, but we all know when we've had a good night's sleep. Seven to eight hours of quality rest will raise your energy level and start you on your way towards a great day. If you've been tossing and turning, there's a very simple feng shui tip that can help to stack the deck in your favor.

The Chinese believe that numbers have the ability to change their lives. Using your personal kua number, find one of the numerous charts available in books or on the internet,  use the column affecting your health, and begin sleeping with your crown facing, as close as possible, to your most auspicious direction. I have a kua number of 2. Knowing that I had been sleeping with the crown of my head in a westerly direction, I knew a change was necessary. Find your most auspicious direction for health on one of these charts and begin using your most auspicious direction. You'll be pleased with the difference.

I've known this for years, but somehow had neglected to incorporate it into my new landscape when I moved in.  After a particularly fitful night's sleep, it occurred to me that I had been sleeping with my head in the most inauspicious direction available to me.  Unable to rearrange the furniture in my bedroom, I simply decided to try sleeping with my head at the bottom of the bed. With my head in the west for good health, I found upon waking the following morning, I had slept better than I had in months. The beds still made up in the normal manner, but at night, my pillows and me convene to the other end.
You may be able to do a little room rearranging that I couldn't, and place the bed in the proper direction, either way, you'll find a pleasant night's sleep is headed your way.

Find your best direction, using your kua number, for any situation you may need help correcting concerning wealth, health, love, or personal growth and get the numbers going in your best direction.


Friday, June 10, 2011

The Turtle verses the Lo Shu

I’m not sure when I realized this but every year, in the early summer, I transform from a feng shui advisor extraordinaire, into a single unit turtle rescue squad. As it happens, I seem to draw the amiable tortoise to me like a moth to a flame.  One morning last week as I headed out to work, I found yet another one scrambling across the hot pavement looking for adventure.  I always hate to tell them, but usually there’s nothing on the other side of that hot road  they didn’t have on the side they just came from. Usually, I just grab them from behind and run to the other side. Once I get it settled into the closest patch of tall grass I can find where it can consider whats just happened, I’m on my way.

This time, the creature was near my own turf, not somewhere further down the road, so I kept running with him straight into my own backyard.  My mind fairly fizzed with the information from my own feng shui background.  I was filled with the desire to have this hard-shelled creature make his home in my own garden. I felt as if I was a descendant of the great Chinese Emperor Yu Huang.

Emperor Yu Haung was the first person known to observe the unique pattern of squares on the back of a turtle he had seen swimming in the vast Yellow River. Here, is where the legend of the  Lo Shu Square began over 5,000 years ago.

The magical Lo Shu Square, based on the mathematical formula found within its 3x3 grid, contains numbers within the 9 squares that, no matter which column you choose to work with, all add up to 15. From this time forward, the square began to be recognized by the Chinese as a symbol of natural order, balance, and a way to maintain a connection with the universe.

You may recall the Baqua, which, to me, is the easiest tool used to correct the balance of chi within your home. It grew from the Lo Shu and is based on the same principles. With either of these, you can begin to adjust the balance of harmony in your home as you address the concerns of any of the life areas.

It makes me wonder if the rescued turtle roaming around my garden was just trying to adjust his own harmony when I snatched him up so he could adjust mine.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Black Tortoise Rising

We’ve talked about the Red Phoenix, the Green Dragon, and the White Tiger. Today we see the Black Tortoise creeping in to take his place at the back of your home.

Ideally, we hope to see a gentle rolling hill in place.  It is suggestive of a higher mountain and is there to represent a protective barrier at the rear of your property. If the support initiated by having this creature near by seems to be lacking, the occupants might face considerable difficulty. Work on creating a symbol of the Tortoise immediately.If there is no natural hill or mountain, a nice fortification in the form of tall rounded trees, or a large storage structure can be built to symbolize the Black Tortoise.

When the representation of all of the four celestial animals is in place, it’s like an announcement of a great auspicious area being declared for the location of your property. If you are building a structure upon your property to stand in for a gentle hill, and are given only one choice of these four magnificent creatures to select from, choose the Black Tortoise. It is said to have equal importance to the Green Dragon. You can expect the Tortoise to help in careers, provide the blessing of happiness while on the job and it guarantees great margins of success in each business endeavor.

When the Tortoise is at your back, you are surrounded by a symbol of long life and happiness as well as being supported with a great defense from negativity.  It is said that the occupants of the home will receive solid structure and backing when he is found near by. The Black Tortoise is yin and corresponds to the North. Its earth element is that of water, it’s season winter, and black, or dark gray and charcoals represent the colors for it.

This large creature is considered not only wise, but also clairvoyant. He is always listening, continually gathering useful information, as he makes plans to protect the occupants of the home. His shell is strong and represents an ability to prevent change from occurring in your homes energy. In feng shui, his shell is often used for divination.

When you put him in his place at the back of your yard, you’ve whispered the secret that you are willing to accept his protection.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

White Tiger Protection

Look out your back door.  I’m hoping you see a small hill to the western side of your yard. This is the area that the White Tiger inhabits. It’s another of the fantastic creatures that helps to protect the invisible, unfelt energy known as chi that surrounds you and your family.

The White Tiger is represented by a slight rise or elevation in the landform of your property.  His area rests in the west and is guided by the element metal. He is known to be equally as strong as that factor. When you have reached the level of success that you seek and have obtained the blessings of health and of wealth, the tiger watches from in hiding and springs forth to defend your successes from loss. He adopts a cunning nature, knowing when to strike and when to only observe.

Cultivate a rising landform on your property if there is not one there. This is a place in which he can rest. You may need to build a small berm, which is easily done, or shape bushes that may already be growing on the western side of your property into the shape of a small hill. These can symbolize the hiding place of the White Tiger and is where security will linger for those in need of protection.

Plant white flowers and bushes on the berm you have built.You can find many varieties in garden shops such as at a Lowes or your Home Depot. White is the color that represents the tiger and these will help to make him even more strong and powerful. There is no certain plant that would be better than another; but the color of the plant that is important in your choice. Also, do not build the height of your hill area greater than that of the Dragon area located to the eastern side of your property. To do so would diminish the strength of the Dragon. You are striving for harmony in all things.

This spectacular creature holds the key to the certain safety of your family. Invite him in.  When you have a tiger in residence on your property, you have the feng shui equivalent of absolute reliability.



Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Ultimate Dragon

You will find of the four celestial guardians of feng shui, the Dragon is considered the most “yang” within the group. The Phoenix, the Tortoise, and the White Tiger captivate us with their own unique abilities, but the Dragon represents the definitive display of male vigor. You will find that much more use of the Dragon is found located within the Landscape form of feng shui.  It is considered highly protective when found naturally within the land structure of a property setting.

It’s direction is east and performs amazingly well when placed in this area. Look for it to encourage abundance, energy and luck quickly as means of a cure.  You will find no symbol any stronger than the Dragon as a bringer of good luck. In the present and in the future, its display is a way of building up luck now and providing a way to capitalize on it in the future.

To bring your family honor, find a prominent place within your home in which to place pictures, statues or carvings of the mighty Dragon.  To help those within your home to visualize victory and future success in all business dealings, a statue of a dragon placed in the career sector of the home will inspire “good luck” chi to grow for you.

If you are in need of drawing help from powerful friends, I’d suggest placing the Dragon in the northwest corner of your home, always allowing that this image is within the range of being at eye level to ensure control over its powerful vitality.  When you place this small amount of restraint over its magnificent energy, you can be assured that the harmony in your home will not be over shadowed.

May you be healthy and prosperous as you learn of the many ways of the Dragon.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thanks for the Memories

Today let’s think about space clearing.  Every moment from this one back contains memories.  This is true not only us, but for our homes and yards as well.

Think of the first birthday party for your child; the surrounding in which it happened also contains the memories of that happy occasion.  You remember the creation of the cake in your kitchen - your kitchen, as you begin to think of that day, contains those very same memories as well.

When I speak of space clearing, don’t get up to take out the trash and place an empty vase in the closet. I refer to the memories and emotions contained within that space.

Whether they are sublimely harmonious and happy, or chilling with sorrow, the proper things to do would be to clear and cleanse this space, preparing the way for new people, inhabitants and memories to claim it for their own. It brings peace and harmony to a new beginning.

If you are without access to a feng shui consultant who can perform a space clearing ceremony for you, there are ways you can accomplish the same results on your own.

If you are leaving a space or home for a new one, I would recommend reading one of the many feng shui manuals available in your local library or book nook for the cure that is most appealing to you spiritually.  Some will require the uses of orange peelings, bells, or smudge sticks made of sage.  They will all require patience, purity of thought and most assuredly your good intentions to be worked into the ritual of cleansing your space conscientiously.

I try to smudge my home often to remove negative vibrations.  The music of bells combined with focused good intentions works famously to chase out negative vibrations. Whichever method you choose, work it well from your heart and you will find that favorable peace and harmony floods to your space preparing the way for new beginnings.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Walk This Way…

I was outside planting some new spring flowers last week and it occurred to me how tranquil the walkway reaching my house had become.  I decided to let you know a few of the feng shui tips I use that are available to use at your home as well.

Don’t hide your home with tall shrubs along the walkways path.  They will block, weaken and possibly remove the good chi winding its way towards your home. Keep them low and neatly trimmed. It won’t hurt to add a bit of height, only take care if they seem to be blocking the view of your front door, it just my be time for a trim.

Keep your sidewalks swept up, clean and free of debris. There is nothing like an untidy entrance to interfere with the progress of good energy headed your way. Take the time to replace old or worn out doormats. They mark the opening to your home and this is the place in which you want to invite in good and happy vibrations not discourage their entrance.

If this is the area your mail is received as well, take note that your mailbox is clean and shiny, especially if it is made of metal. Your house numbers, too, will influence chi to stray so if they have seen better days, either get out your paints, your cleaners, or replace them entirely. The minimal cost will bring maximum returns!

Are there burned out bulbs? Replace them.  Lose or hanging shutters? Reattach immediately. Dead shrubs, trees or flowers?  Dig up and either replace or repair the damaged area where they were removed. You will not want to leave evidence of a former problem; the chi will notice and stop to ponder the problem rather than continuing along its energetic path towards your door.

Another tip is to avoid straight walkways if at all possible. A straight walkway allows chi to move too quickly causing it to shoot right past your door. If the straight path is inevitable, soften it by planting plants every few feet along its edges. This will form small graceful curves encouraging the chi to meander rather than gallop along on its way.

Lastly, add a water feature if possible.  We don’t all have the wear with all to have huge flowing fountains, but even the simplicity of a small birdbath can introduce the chi to your home in a quiet and peaceful way. You may also place a shallow bowl in which a single fresh flower is allowed to float. Look forward to the tranquility that will soon be heading your way.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Home Water Feature

Did you know that the still water of a birdbath or pond will build the tranquility of your yard? Moving water, however, such as that found in a waterfall or fountain will actually increase the energy of the same space. When you decide if your yard needs more yin energy to add a more relaxed peaceful atmosphere or that of yang to perk things up, the choice should be simple.

The most beneficial placement for your water feature would be to install it in the east or the southeast direction. Either would be ideal.  If it’s not possible to place your water feature in one of these locations, make sure it’s positioned well away from your home.

When you’ve placed a water fountain in the front of your home, you’ve helped to accent the positive chi that is entering there. Always have the water flowing towards your home and front entrance, as that will symbolize the addition of wealth and prosperity. When the water flows out and away from your home, it carries the wealth away and adds to your financial problems.

If you’ve decided to place a birdbath or a small pond here instead, prepare for a peaceful home. Wealth will be abundant and life will be good, especially if your home is in the east facing direction. No matter the direction your home faces, the addition of a water feature is going to increase the good chi coming your way.

Enjoy the peace.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sea Salt and Removing Bad Chi

Sometimes you need to cleanse your home of unwanted negative energy.  One of the methods I often use is the implementation of sea salt.  It’s easy to use, easy to dispose of once the job is done, and highly successful in what it does.

Sea salt is full of yang energy and is useful in any situation. Sea salt will transform the energy left over from negative vibrations into positive ones by absorbing the negative energy. You may want to try one of the following methods for using sea salt if you are moving into a home previously owned by another. Consider one of these remedies too, if there have been harsh words in your home or if there has been a divorce.  Illnesses and death leave their own form of negativity as well. When you feel that there is something not right in your home, office, or anywhere else, reach for your container of sea salt and get busy.

Sea salt is a blend of both the elements earth and water. It would be a good feng shui remedy to place a small bowl of sea salt in the northeast corner as well as the southwestern corner of your home.  These are the directions of these two elements and placing it in these area’s would be extremely beneficial for absorbing bad chi. Change the salt every two months, never reuse it and completely remove the old salt from your home and throw it away.

You can also benefit by sprinkling the sea salt around the outside perimeter of your home and at the door thresholds crossing over to the outside.  This prevents unwanted negative energy from reentering your home. Consider placing small containers of salt in every room of the house. This is the preferred method for sea salt use when needing to cleanse large amounts of negativity from your home.  Leave them overnight and remove them the next morning.  You must dispose this salt by burying it or removing it from your property and throwing it away.  By no means should you every reuse this salt.  To do so would simply bring back the old unconstructive feelings to your home. If there is a specific room or area that needs to have the unpleasant energy removed, you can scatter salt straight on to the floor of these rooms leaving it at least twenty-four hours. After this time has passed, sweep it up and again, dispose of it properly.

It’s beneficial as you position your sea salt cures in place to chant or use positive affirmations as to why you have chosen to use this remedy.  As you begin, smile and recite these affirmations positively, it will build up and add to the quality of good chi you are seeking.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Mellow Yellow

When we think of yellow we’re reminded of warmth, sometimes of movement, or maybe we may think of the sun.  In feng shui, yellow is deemed as auspicious as the color red.  But, did you know, if you sustain prolonged exposure to large quantities of the color yellow; you will begin to experience anxiety.  Though it’s considered the color of health and communication, you may run the risk of receiving too much of a good thing.

With the emotion of anxiety high, both your health and the communication within your family may begin to falter.  If you’ve placed an abundance of yellow within your home, begin to temper it with mixtures of the color blue. You can work wonders with a calm, soothing blue as an accent color.  Reminiscent of both water and sky, you’ll find yourself instantly calming down and beginning to relax.  Life in your home achieves balance, and once again everything begins to become stress free.

Find a reason to smile today.  It works wonders!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring has sprung!

Spring is quickly approaching.  This weekend, I anticipate beginning to replace some of my over wintered plants back throughout my home to clear the stagnant chi that has accumulated during the winter months. Are you beginning to experience the winter doldrums? A touch depressed? Low energy? An excellent way to refresh the dwindling chi is by addition of plants!

I will be moving the hardier plants (evergreens, pothos) into the more mainstream areas of my home. There is almost no better plant then the ever-trailing pothos to purify air in a lethargic environment. You and your home will begin to experience the benefits of breathing in the freshened oxygenated air. New circulating oxygen means more “good” chi inside you and inside your home.

Using the tenets applied by feng shui, harmony is created by placing healthy plants inside a stressful or tiring surrounding. The atmosphere is recharged with new and positive chi circulating throughout the home. Try to place at least two plants in each room of your home if possible.  Peace lilies thrive in most lighting conditions and English ivy is a top notch plant for effectively remove stale chi as well as the pollution found inside your dwelling. You will find the curvy round leaves of the ivy also helps to draw in "good" money chi, as well, as it boosts a new high energy chi throughout your home.

If you’re working on a healthier relationship among family members, try placing a yellow flowering houseplant in a clay container or pot in the western area of your home.  Primroses, with their rounded leaves, are available this time of year in many garden shops and even grocery stores. Some come with sunny yellow blooms, are very easy to care for and are almost guaranteed to benefit the entire family splendidly.

Begin adding your plants back this month and start to reap the benefits! Spread the love.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Growing bamboo successfully can be rewarding in many ways.  I didn’t realize that until a few weekends ago, right here in the month of January. It’s often accused of being invasive, this is true to a certain extent, but if you’re in the market for a clump of your own bamboo, it’s worth the risk and quite tamable to your needs. Their roots love to be compacted and will grow rather quickly if they are confined by an underground barrier.

I’ve often recommend bamboo flutes to clients needing added strength against overhead beams and slanted ceilings. When this source of bad chi is aimed within the home, tying red ribbons around flutes and hanging them from the beams themselves virtually assures a cure and is a common feng shui practice. 

Representative of the upper portion of the baqua, the hollow segments of the bamboo flute symbolically lift good chi through the flute to further symbolize permanence, protection, and harmony. The presence of bamboo stirs good fortune. Prosperity and good luck are often found in the presence of bamboo. Feng shui practice believes that the nodes contained on bamboo itself are the original source of energy that was sent through the bamboo plant itself.

Knowing I have a permanent supply of my own bamboo to use in my feng shui practice is satisfying. Even a better realization than that is, a few weekends ago while trimming my clump ahead of the new spring growth, the grand children, delighted at the sight of my wavy patch of bamboo found a new way of creating good chi by reminding me, a short piece of bamboo cut right between the nodes makes an excellent pea shooter and that good chi is also found in the laughter of children.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Did You Know?

 Think about these few things:

Do you mope around or have a general feeling of malaise while you are stirring around in your home?

Try clearing out the clutter.  In feng shui, clutter of any type blocks your personal chi level and the overall quality of your life.  Throw open your window and tackle the blocking mountains of clutter one room at a time. Wait until you feel the high-energy surge that comes from ridding your home of unwanted blockages. It more than encourages you and your family members. I tend to use baskets from my local World Market store to replace the items that have been kept.  This allows fresh energy to circulate thru the weaves in the baskets reviving fresh energy and organizing items preventing further clutter.

Does the energy level of your home sometimes feel sluggish in the evening?

This can be an easy fix. You can counteract yin acting chi energy by using bright lights in your rooms. In feng shui, lighting signifies yang energy.  Lighting up your areas with lamps and candles will bring balance and harmony by bringing the yin and yang back together again.

Did you know?

If you have faulty wiring, not only should an electrician be consulted for safety reasons, but, in feng shui terms, faulty electrical wires and outlets can cause dissention among family members and further create obstacles to success.  Have your wiring repaired in order that not only the electrical energy will flow, but it will allow the energy of good chi to flow feely as well.

Tackle your clutter, your lighting, or your wiring and begin to feel the difference in the energy level of your home. It’s a feng shui thing!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Feng Shui Blue

We are reminded of peace and gentle growth when we consider the color blue as related to feng shui.  It represents the water element and is decidedly yin with its serene passive energy. Nourishing to all living things, blue can give receptive ability in times of confusion while helping to bring calm to your home.

To represent a harmonious expansion, use a lighter blue color.  Using a light blue in combination with white and green in your child’s room provides not only the ability to stimulate their minds, but is also wonderful to use as a cure towards calming over activeness. Two useful benefits for the price of one! Another benefit attributed to a soothing lighter shade of blue is how it helps one to discover their natural talents and abilities. There seems to be much less stress for them when the color of a child’s room is painted in a pale tone of blue.

Using a deep blue evokes feng shui energy of a deeper calm and serenity, much too strong for use in a child’s room.

When we think back to the baqua, we note that blue is the color represented in the south eastern region of knowledge.  Using it here will represent the path of education and wisdom. Like the color purple, blue brings with it a spiritual awareness and promotes mental and spiritual healing. Very good for use in the south east to promote peacefulness.

Supporting an organized life, a rich blue will emphasize controlled planning in your workspaces and is beneficial to have the color blue around you when you are working with money or are paying bills. If you have someone watching over your finances, its helpful to note their office décor. If it has a blue theme, it’s a good sign as blue is also the color of trustworthiness.

Check out all the different color palette choices at one of your local home stores.  I frequently use Home Depot when I need to find just the right paint color necessary to address the needs of a feng shui cure.

Have a great New Year!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bedroom Shar Chi

Do you have trouble sleeping?  Is tossing and turning your nightly routine leaving you exhausted?  In the morning, get up and take a look at your bedroom with feng shui eyes. Your problem could not be with you but with your bedroom. We are talking about shar chi circulating in your bedroom. Shar chi stagnates your resting place. It brings with it unhealthy energies that disturb you and your sleep interrupting your nourishing nightly rest.

It is best for your bed to be in a commanding position. Place it as far from the doorway as you can, but not aligning with the door. You want to be able to see the door but not be crossed by it. Place your bed if possible against a good supporting wall or give yourself a good headboard in order to supply you with security as you sleep. Do not store anything under your bed and remember that beds with built in storage units under them allow for the storage of more than usable items.  They are huge recipients of shar chi and blocked healing energy.  Chi needs to circulate and if you have cluttered underneath your resting place, all the good energy comes to a stand still. Remember to balance energy in the room by placing a table or nightstand on both sides of the bed

Are there bookshelves that may be cluttered and unarranged?  Order is key here. Shelve volumes by height and pull the books right to the edge of the selves in order to block the negative energy of the sharp edges of shelves penetrating into your sleep zone. This will symbolically dissolve shelf edges and remove shar chi.

Be careful of mirrors. One shouldn’t see oneself from the bed. It is said that reflecting images of you or your sleeping partner will allow the possibilities of unfaithfulness to ones marriage by symbolically inviting more people into the room. While sleeping, either remove the mirror or cover it. Pay attention, as well, to what kind of reflected image is being invited into the room. Things lurking in hallways or bathrooms can appear to be in the room bringing their unwanted energy with them. Keep reflective items to a minimum.

Check what’s outside your windows. Utility poles, intrusive buildings, cemeteries, businesses, even garbage receptacles all can promote shar chi. Cover your windows with curtains or screen them with a good folding screen.  If a cemetery is in sight, hang a faceted crystal ball in the window to send nourishing chi circulating against natural bad energies. If there are roads with rushing traffic nearby, it would be good idea to plant large soft bushes underneath the windows to absorb sound and buffer energy. Odd numbers of faceted crystal balls, suspended by red threads or ribbons, can slow down all manner of shar chi rushing at your window entrances.

These same faceted crystal balls can be hung over the bed to dissolve bad energy emanating from beams and sharp angles protruding from furniture in the room.

Limit electrical devices that give off extreme shar chi energy such as televisions and computers. Things operating on high electrical energy waves do more to upset the energy balance you are trying to achieve than almost anything else. If you are unable to eliminate your TV, close doors over the TV or cover it with a cloth while you sleep.  Do the same for your computer or music systems as well.

As you begin to implement some these ideas, count on relieving some of your stresses as well as eliminating the counting of sheep. Good night and good rest to you!