Thursday, March 24, 2011

Walk This Way…

I was outside planting some new spring flowers last week and it occurred to me how tranquil the walkway reaching my house had become.  I decided to let you know a few of the feng shui tips I use that are available to use at your home as well.

Don’t hide your home with tall shrubs along the walkways path.  They will block, weaken and possibly remove the good chi winding its way towards your home. Keep them low and neatly trimmed. It won’t hurt to add a bit of height, only take care if they seem to be blocking the view of your front door, it just my be time for a trim.

Keep your sidewalks swept up, clean and free of debris. There is nothing like an untidy entrance to interfere with the progress of good energy headed your way. Take the time to replace old or worn out doormats. They mark the opening to your home and this is the place in which you want to invite in good and happy vibrations not discourage their entrance.

If this is the area your mail is received as well, take note that your mailbox is clean and shiny, especially if it is made of metal. Your house numbers, too, will influence chi to stray so if they have seen better days, either get out your paints, your cleaners, or replace them entirely. The minimal cost will bring maximum returns!

Are there burned out bulbs? Replace them.  Lose or hanging shutters? Reattach immediately. Dead shrubs, trees or flowers?  Dig up and either replace or repair the damaged area where they were removed. You will not want to leave evidence of a former problem; the chi will notice and stop to ponder the problem rather than continuing along its energetic path towards your door.

Another tip is to avoid straight walkways if at all possible. A straight walkway allows chi to move too quickly causing it to shoot right past your door. If the straight path is inevitable, soften it by planting plants every few feet along its edges. This will form small graceful curves encouraging the chi to meander rather than gallop along on its way.

Lastly, add a water feature if possible.  We don’t all have the wear with all to have huge flowing fountains, but even the simplicity of a small birdbath can introduce the chi to your home in a quiet and peaceful way. You may also place a shallow bowl in which a single fresh flower is allowed to float. Look forward to the tranquility that will soon be heading your way.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Home Water Feature

Did you know that the still water of a birdbath or pond will build the tranquility of your yard? Moving water, however, such as that found in a waterfall or fountain will actually increase the energy of the same space. When you decide if your yard needs more yin energy to add a more relaxed peaceful atmosphere or that of yang to perk things up, the choice should be simple.

The most beneficial placement for your water feature would be to install it in the east or the southeast direction. Either would be ideal.  If it’s not possible to place your water feature in one of these locations, make sure it’s positioned well away from your home.

When you’ve placed a water fountain in the front of your home, you’ve helped to accent the positive chi that is entering there. Always have the water flowing towards your home and front entrance, as that will symbolize the addition of wealth and prosperity. When the water flows out and away from your home, it carries the wealth away and adds to your financial problems.

If you’ve decided to place a birdbath or a small pond here instead, prepare for a peaceful home. Wealth will be abundant and life will be good, especially if your home is in the east facing direction. No matter the direction your home faces, the addition of a water feature is going to increase the good chi coming your way.

Enjoy the peace.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sea Salt and Removing Bad Chi

Sometimes you need to cleanse your home of unwanted negative energy.  One of the methods I often use is the implementation of sea salt.  It’s easy to use, easy to dispose of once the job is done, and highly successful in what it does.

Sea salt is full of yang energy and is useful in any situation. Sea salt will transform the energy left over from negative vibrations into positive ones by absorbing the negative energy. You may want to try one of the following methods for using sea salt if you are moving into a home previously owned by another. Consider one of these remedies too, if there have been harsh words in your home or if there has been a divorce.  Illnesses and death leave their own form of negativity as well. When you feel that there is something not right in your home, office, or anywhere else, reach for your container of sea salt and get busy.

Sea salt is a blend of both the elements earth and water. It would be a good feng shui remedy to place a small bowl of sea salt in the northeast corner as well as the southwestern corner of your home.  These are the directions of these two elements and placing it in these area’s would be extremely beneficial for absorbing bad chi. Change the salt every two months, never reuse it and completely remove the old salt from your home and throw it away.

You can also benefit by sprinkling the sea salt around the outside perimeter of your home and at the door thresholds crossing over to the outside.  This prevents unwanted negative energy from reentering your home. Consider placing small containers of salt in every room of the house. This is the preferred method for sea salt use when needing to cleanse large amounts of negativity from your home.  Leave them overnight and remove them the next morning.  You must dispose this salt by burying it or removing it from your property and throwing it away.  By no means should you every reuse this salt.  To do so would simply bring back the old unconstructive feelings to your home. If there is a specific room or area that needs to have the unpleasant energy removed, you can scatter salt straight on to the floor of these rooms leaving it at least twenty-four hours. After this time has passed, sweep it up and again, dispose of it properly.

It’s beneficial as you position your sea salt cures in place to chant or use positive affirmations as to why you have chosen to use this remedy.  As you begin, smile and recite these affirmations positively, it will build up and add to the quality of good chi you are seeking.
