Having become familiar with the Five Elements, knowing the distinct cycles concerning them becomes paramount. Previously, it was mentioned that there is a creative cycle to the elements as well as a destructive cycle. What begins to happen is a simple process of continued renewal taking place in a constantly revolving circle.
The unending circle begins with:
The element of wood burning and becoming fuel for the fire.
The fire making ashes, which return to the earth and prosper it.
The earth, in turn, creates metal.
Metal heats to extreme temperatures evolving into a liquid state like water.
Finally, water nourishes wood.
When the opposite destructive cycle begins to take place, you find rather than building one another up, the elements work to destroy each another.
Tools of metal cut down Wood.
The extreme heat of the fire destroys metal.
Fire is extinguished by Water.
Water is swallowed by and then evaporated by earth.
Earth becomes populated by the growth of wood products.
As you begin to apply one the Five Elements to bring about favorable luck, there are three methods from which to choose. Decide which element needs to be in balance and apply your cure by using that particular elements corresponding color, or perhaps its corresponding shape, or put into use its physical representation. An example of which would be:
In using a wood element cure, you would possibly incorporate blue or green into the cure as
the color, or use as the shape, different rectangular items, or the use of the physical representation could be illustrated through the use of plants, wooden items or even living trees.
As cures for an individual element become necessary, simply change to that particular elements color, shape, or physical representation and as they are used, you have begun to have a basic understanding of how and what choices you have in order to affect a feng shui cure.
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